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The continued proof the bush administration is intentionall

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PostPosted: Tue Aug 10, 2004 5:26 pm    Post subject: The continued proof the bush administration is intentionall Reply with quote

Re: The continued proof the bush administration is intentionally infecting people with HIV and other viruses

g. dumbya and lowra boosh with their white house calvary are liars. The bush administration does stem cell research all over the place. When at www.clinicaltrials.gov search for
“HIV” and “stem cells” and their nasty trials appear. But that is not the issue right now.
The issue is the destruction and life lost due to the intentional virus infecting vaccines being inflicted daily by the bush administration in their HIV clinical trials and “other venues” by the on the targeted volunteers and individuals they hate.

The government “HIV Vaccine Trials Network” located at;
Under the heading:
“Possible Vaccine Outcomes” ;
“It is important to realize that scientists are still learning about how vaccines might work to prevent HIV infection. An HIV vaccine may be totally successful in preventing infection, known as "sterilizing immunity." Sterilizing immunity may be possible in 100% of the population, or perhaps only in certain groups. In another scenario, a preventive vaccine may not prevent primary infection, but decrease the possibility of HIV transmission from an infected individual to another person. Yet another possibility is that a vaccine may slow the process of infection, so that even if a person becomes HIV infected, the vaccine helps the vaccinated individual remain healthier longer.
The following list provides details about the variety of ways that scientists believe a preventive HIV vaccine might work.” :

“Different Results”:
Sterilizing immunity (this is the “cure” they are withholding)
• complete protection from HIV infection
• no detectable HIV at any time
• no transmission of HIV to others
Transient infection (this is their concept of “control”)
• infection occurs, but the immune system is able to detect and kill off infected cells
• disease process does not advance, because immune system is able to control the infection
• no detectable HIV at later times (6-12 months after infection)
• seroconversion (becoming HIV+) may or may not occur
• transmission to others might occur within a brief window of time, or might be completely prevented
Long-term controlled infection (more “control” of the individual)
• undetectable or very low viral load throughout life
• no harmful drop in CD4 cells
• no immunodeficiency disease progression (HIV does not advance to AIDS)
• seroconversion likely
• transmission to others prevented or greatly diminished
Altruistic vaccine
• little benefit to vaccinated individuals; however, the vaccine could help to prevent transmission of infection to others
• viral load in mucosal secretions would remain low, so the vaccinated individual may remain healthy for a longer period of time
• HIV transmission to others prevented or greatly diminished

There are over 40 million people living with HIV/AIDS and the bush administration’s focus
is a preventive hoax, a preventive gag, a naive population, a “novel” preventive vaccine design.
Nope, just pure infection. The concept of a “prophylactic” vaccine is a “novel” concept that is designed to redirect the public’s attention towards prevention and “behaviors”, and not the fact that it is the virus vaccines that are intentionally infecting individuals daily.
The hard facts of the current HIV/AIDS dilemma are; the bush administration is intentionally designing vaccines in government labs to create infections in their so-called definition of an “undesirable” person, but it is themselves (the bush administration) that are undesirable.

The preventive vaccine concept under the bush administration is;

“seroconversion is likely” or

“seroconversion may or may not occur” or

“Transient Infection” says it all - INFECTION.

What more proof is necessary? Being gay is a fact of life, not something that can be controlled or eliminated - get used to it, and the continued harassment, infections and control designs is pure criminal activity. Plus, the manipulation of viruses genes and/or stem cells
to somehow control or eliminate people, is a dangerous business. Over and over again, the same old thing, while innocent people are being inflicted with viruses that cause disease. And the burden of other peoples warped sense of reality to modify a preconceived notion of a “behavior” is absurd. Who are we? Will someone please put the bush administration in prison and throw all of their
virus vaccines away.

Is the bush administration above the law? Just because g. dumbya hates gays (especially gay men), minorities and “others” does not give him, or his brigade the right to mame and murder. And the 40 million already infected, and the ones soon to be infected, by their targeting, are intentionally forgotten. The lab designed antibiotic resistant strains of HIV, new AIDS related infections, cross species encoding, and basically being controlled until the
“adverse event” occurs is an atrocity beyond compare.
The bush administration puts a lot of effort in getting from point of selecting the individual(s) to the clinically induced infection leading to the adverse events. And the “expense incurred” from point “A” to point “B” is something that is not taken lightly by the bush administration. The sooner the better is their motto, which has resulted in more virulent viruses created, more options to adjuvant, combine and administer the bush administration’s deviant intended vaccines with great amount of time, health and life lost. This is unreal.

More Proof? The HVTN website continues under “Vaccine Strategies”;
Our Scientific Mission:
• an international clinical trials program that will evaluate novel vaccine candidates
• development of vaccines which promote immune responses to circulating strains of HIV
• development of laboratory tests which can quantify the body's response to a vaccine
• development of laboratory tests which can produce accurate results across a large number of unique individuals
• the impact of vaccination on subsequent HIV infection, including controlling viral load, minimizing the effects of HIV infection by slowing the progression from infection to AIDS, and reducing the probability of transmission of HIV infection
• establishment of a close link between vaccine studies in humans and in animals

More Proof? HVTN Website continues:
Possible HIV Vaccine Strategies
“Researchers have many different strategies that may lead to an effective HIV vaccine. Scientists take small parts of the HIV virus and alter them in a laboratory to create synthetic copies. The experimental vaccines do not use whole or live HIV. The vaccines cannot cause HIV or AIDS. The vaccines being tested should produce either antibodies* or cytotoxic T cells (CTLs) to fight infection.
The vaccines should produce an infection is what is being said in the above sentence and the bush administration’s hate designed agendas have created an entire “pipeline” of vaccines that produce infections.
“The Pipeline Project” is a project with intentions of infecting or reinfecting or further infecting, and that is all. “The Pipeline Project” is a project period. They have a few designer infection concepts with a myriad of different “me too” companies with similar virus vaccines waiting to cash in on the big business of HIV/AIDS. The bush administration
not only wants to eliminate “undesirables” but also bring about a continuous flow of

More proof?
The HVTN website continues under “Vaccine Strategies”;
Types of Experimental HIV Vaccines:
peptide vaccine: made of tiny pieces of proteins from the HIV virus.
recombinant subunit protein vaccine: made of bigger pieces of proteins that are on the surface of the HIV virus. Examples of a recombinant subunit protein are gp120, gp140, or gp160 produced by genetic engineering.
live vector vaccine: made of HIV genes that have been taken out of the virus and altered. The genes are inserted into another vector, which carries them into the body's cells. The genes in turn produce proteins that are normally found on the surface of the HIV virus. This type of vaccine most resembles the HIV virus but is not harmful. Many vaccines used today, like the smallpox vaccine, use this approach.
DNA vaccine: uses copies of a small number of HIV genes which are inserted into pieces of DNA called plasmids. The HIV genes will produce proteins very similar to the ones from real HIV.
vaccine combination: uses any two vaccines, one after another, to create a stronger immune response. Often referred to as "prime-boost strategy."
virus-like particle vaccine (pseudovirion vaccine): a non-infectious HIV look-alike that has one or more, but not all, HIV proteins.
More Proof?
“The Pipeline Project” is a “link” found on the HVTN website. This “pipeline project” “related link” is located on the “HVTN Science” page.

“The Pipeline Project” vaccines are listed as well as the manufacturers.
Also are the various “novel” vaccine designs. The introduction portion of the DNA Plasmid Vaccines says;
“DNA vaccines were first tested in human beings with HIV infection and subsequently in uninfected people as preventive vaccines against HIV and malaria. While immune responses to DNA alone have been relatively weak in humans, combination with adjuvants or with recombinant viral vectors in prime-boost approaches have resulted in

appreciable HIV-specific CD8 responses and have induced protective responses in primate models.”

The bush administration “appreciates” a good HIV antibody response in a previously uninfected person.
And the “viral vectors” are insane. More viruses and more clinically induced infections.
When will it stop?

g. dumbya hates, and his hate based initiatives are creating an abundance of infections and turmoil. The amount of bad will being spread, is as bad as the viruses being created in the government labs. The resulting disease and destruction is way out of control, and if we continue to ignore the situation and turn a deaf ear to the mounting problems being generated by these unwarranted and illegal laboratory activities, then science will rule, and there may be no turning back.
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