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Even More Abusive Clinical HIV/AIDS Trials & The Bush ad

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 03, 2004 9:02 pm    Post subject: Even More Abusive Clinical HIV/AIDS Trials & The Bush ad Reply with quote

June 3, 2004

Re: Even More Abusive Clinical HIV/AIDS Trials & The Bush administration

The Bush Administration’s inept management of their radical concept of Global Social Development and Control, has led to loss of life and irreparable harm to individuals living with HIV/AIDS.

The Bush Administration clears the way (with or with out military force) for large corporations to slide under the radar, and enter and dominate developing countries complete with maps, graphs, buildings and automobiles.

Not only are the Corporations entering underdeveloped countries and countries in turmoil for monetary gains, but also to enforce their social so-called reform. This reform includes the same rhetoric of discrimination, segregation, compartmentalization, and programs to try to change behavior.

The issue is HIV/AIDS and not trying to change someone into someone they are not, especially if they do not feel well.

They march on nonetheless with their own individual agendas, but with a similar premise;
To rule the world in any way they deem necessary no matter who they hurt or what damage they cause.

Their mission statements are sugar-coated to justify their existence with eloquent rhetoric of social betterment while hiding behind their billions like nothing is happening. Well, I am telling you there is a lot happening and it is not good and people are hurt by the arrogance, ignorance, and cheap criminal behavior.

For example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has huge gaps between what is planned for their economic and social development modality, the foundation money “earmarked for HIV/AIDS “prevention Research” plus “other” research for HIV/AIDS, and oh yea, reality.

The web site is filled with suggestions reflecting their morality of how they think someone should live with harmful HIV/AIDS health care rhetoric. It is fortunate, however, that there still is time to stop the insanity, and get out of the mind set of a Bill Gates or a George Bush where morality takes precedence over health care. If we are smart we will not allow this to continue another day.

I am sure their web site is changing as I write, considering the New Patriidiotic Acts, but just because they make flashy statements of their millions of dollars that go to and fro in the namesake of AIDS/HIV, does not mean their money is doing any good. In fact, with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Bush administration, their money is actually damaging to the progress achieved so far in the battle against HIV/AIDS. There are so many different levels and agendas involved that the HIV/AIDS issue never was a priority!
The Gates Foundation web site continues with information on page 36 of their Global mission section of “Accelerating Prevention Research” which says “A safe and effective microbicide would provide protection against HIV when a condom is not used- a potential benefit of particular importance to women who may not be able to negotiate a condom use with their partners”. “Another relatively new area of research focuses on whether female diaphragms or other, alternative female - controlled barrier methods might offer protection against HIV transmission.

Therefore, suggestions of diaphragms or other female controlled methods, that would replace the use of a condom usage and based on the premise of a potential negotiation grievance upon having sex.

How can they get away with dispensing this kind of information? Where are the Lawyers?

Then there are the three studies currently taking place in Africa that are examining whether “adult circumcision would be effective in reducing transmission”. Yes, three separate studies of circumcision. However, it is interesting to note that Congress has asked the Ford Foundation to “Stop Funding Anti-Semitic groups” and reach an agreement with Jewish Leaders.

The report then says “twenty years after research into preventative vaccine began, only one vaccine has been tested for efficacy and numerous promising avenues for HIV vaccination are not being pursued due to lack of public and private support”. They are suggesting that only one vaccine has been tested when in reality many vaccines have been tested with several showing amazing results.

This is what is happening, not to mention the unknown number of individuals being infected with HIV because of faulty and ignorant information from a multi-billion dollar Corporation that can not even afford to spend a few dollars on educating themselves.

I suggest prison with behavior modification programs. These countries and regions are comprised of real people with real lives that can not be taken for granted. Also, a prison term might stop or slow the progression of this destruction.

A corporation just can not enter a undeveloped or “in crisis” country under the guise of being a humanitarian sensitive organization, shake a few hands, cut a couple of ribbons, and boom - instant cheap labor, control over communities, land acquisitions, and their power to control for generations to come. All in the name of a so-called foundation that is suppose to help people living with HIV/AIDS. This just can not happen!

The picture is becoming clear that HIV/AIDS is all part of the Bush Administration diabolical plan of segregation, separation, compartmentalization, discrimination and eradication of what I do not know, but it is not a virus.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has a HIV/AIDS plan. The plan models the creative behavioral Models and “Prevention Research” from the government that is destroying lives and causing a mire of mud and muck that once again, only adds to the problem and does nothing for real care or assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS.

It is completely upside down , and the people like Bill and Melinda Gates that run these so-called foundations are the ones that need the behavior change therapy and “Preventative Research” or pre-emptive strikes against their foundations of corruption and deceit, and need to be scrutinized.

Other organizations in addition to the Ford Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation listed in the report from the AIDS Vaccine Advocacy Coalition (AVAC - another smoke and mirrors operation funded by these foundations) is the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, Until there is a Cure Foundation, Gill Foundation, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights
and many generous AVAC members. This information is located at the AVAC web site:

The AVAC website also has several articles pertaining to the AIDSVAX clinical vaccine trial. The “Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial” report is filled with damaging, inaccurate and hurtful information that describes the trial, and similar trials currently underway, as possibly putting the volunteers in harms way without any cognitive awareness or intentionally ignoring the abuse, or even worse, intentionally inflicting harm on volunteers of the clinical trial of AIDSVAX and other trials currently taking place under the guidance of the Department of Defense, the National Institute of Health and endorsed by foundations like the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. This report is located at www.avac.org

The AIDSVAX trial included over 5000 HIV Negative Volunteers, primarily gay men. (Gay men are referred in many reports including the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation website, as “men who have sex with men”). The trial was flawed and doomed from the very beginning as a viable and resourceful clinical trial.

The report located at www.avac.org/prvAIDSVAX.htm says:
“But the trial simply was not designed to demonstrate efficacy in this subgroup and the numbers of participants in this group are too small to draw any conclusions about what the AIDSVAX data mean for this subgroup”.

With more than 5000 HIV Negative volunteers for the AIDSVAX clinical trial and thousands of other volunteers for similar trials, they still say they need more volunteers for more studies makes no sense. Again, a violation and dangerous for the volunteers involved in these clinical trials.

In fact, “among the 5,009 trial participants getting at least three doses of either the vaccine or the placebo, 5.8% of the 1,679 on the placebo became infected versus 5.7% of the 3,330 receiving the vaccine”. “In essence, the vaccine has no impact in protecting people from HIV”. This statement is located in the “Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial” (www.avac.org)

Not only did it not protect against HIV infection, the number of volunteers that became infected seem relatively high. The report says “it is unlikely the FDA will license AIDSVAX based on data from this trial because it was not designed to determine efficacy in subgroups”.
But, they want more volunteers and trials.

NIH and VaxGen turn around and say “VaxGen has a grant from the National Institute of Health to develop a version of the vaccine based on a strain of the virus prevalent in sub-Saharan Africa. However, the work is still in the test tube stage”. “VaxGen is now testing a different version of AIDSVAX among about 2,500 injecting drug users in Thailand” and “based on two strains prevalent in Southeast Asia”.

Again, this information is in a report titled “Understanding the Results of the AIDSVAX Trial”- www.avav.org

The entire AIDSVAX Trial, as well as the reports, are convoluted garbage with an agenda to do more of the same, all while jeopardizing the health of volunteers - when the FDA says No.

Please help to stop the dangerous abuse and criminal activities taking place in the White House, our National Health care system, and corporations that follow along.
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